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воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

Вибори. Жертовний Опозиційно Патріотичний Альянс

Їду сьогодні голос сувати за правильного кандидата і за правильну партію!
Партія Жертовний Опозиційно Патріотичний Альянс (ЖОПА).
Партія була створена в ніч з 27.10 на 28.10.2012 р. людьми, не байдужими до долі України та українського народу. Основна діяльність партії та зокрема її членів буде спрямована на покращення життя вже сьогодні та в сприянні подальшого економічного і соціального розвитку держави. Партія має чітку програму щодо перспектив народогосподарства та співпрацює з іншою відомою партією Яготинське Економічне Бінзнес Управління (ЯЕБУ), про що свідчить її скорочена назва.

feelin' 2009

                   П`яний в жопу
Arctic monkeys на півхати

среда, 9 мая 2012 г.

The Pirate Bay together with the Cybernorms Research Group

   New times rolled! People get too much information, they do not have time for all to follow, even if they want.If they do not get what they need at the moment - they can forget about it. File sharinghelps as it makes a "tick" that was interesting for people.
   If we take, for example, music, movies (the most popular content) using file-sharing you can learn what is happening in contemporary culture. For example, if it were not for the pirate bay, I would not listen to Madonna's new album, and probably would not go to a concert in Kiev. But now, going ... :)
   This is a small part of what I've wanted to say, but you clearly understand that there is no return to the Corporate System "progress"!

понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

10 Years - 11:00 AM (DayDreamer) Lyrics

I can't seem to change you or open up your eyes
So go on and sing your sad, sad song.
I don't even blame you, the routine is nice.
Nine to five in a suit and tie.
Fear of failure in comfort zones kill.

Brace yourself and give into the moment.
You've got nothing to lose.
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself, you're dying in slow motion.
You've got nothing to lose.
So what's your excuse?

Life can't seem to teach you the safe card is right.
So stray from the fight.
Don't you realize
The daydreamer's nightmare is to never even try.
Your time has slipped by.
Fear of failure in a comfort zones kill.

Brace yourself and give into the moment.
You've got nothing to lose.
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself, you're dying in slow motion.
You got nothing to lose.
So what's your excuse?

Take a step back and find a way out of here.
Can't you see the answer is loud and clear.

Brace yourself and give into the moment.
You've got nothing to lose.
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself, you're dying in slow motion.
You got nothing to lose.
So what's your excuse?

Find a way out of here...